Airport Terminal Information Service

ATIS message:

Automatic terminal information service, or ATIS, is a current, routine information to arriving and departing aircraft throughout the operational hours of the Aeropuerto International Reina Beatrix.

The ATIS broadcast contains essential information, such as current weather information, active runways, available approaches, and any other information required by the pilots, such as important notice to airmen (NOTAM).

The ATIS is transmitted on frequency 132.100 MHZ.  ANSA also employs the use of Data-link ATIS (D-ATIS). D-ATIS is a text-based, digitally transmitted version of the ATIS audio broadcast. It is accessed via a data link service such as the ACARS and displayed on an electronic display in the aircraft. D-ATIS is incorporated on the aircraft as part of its electronic system, such as an electronic flight bag (EFB) or a flight management system (FMS). Pilots are required to acknowledge receipt of the broadcast information upon establishing communication with the ATS unit concerned.

The weather information transmitted is received from the Meteorological Department of Aruba and updated hourly or when there is a significant change in the information.

The ATIS messages contain the following elements of information in the order listed:

  1. name of aerodrome;
  2. arrival indicator;
  3. ATIS designator;
  4. time of observation;
  5. type of approach(es) to be expected;
  6. the runway in use;
  7. significant runway surface conditions and, if appropriate, braking action;
  8. holding delay, if appropriate;
  9. other essential operational information;
  10. surface wind direction (in degrees magnetic) and speed, including significant variations.
  11. visibility and present weather;
  12. cloud below 1 500 m (5 000 ft) or below the highest minimum sector altitude, whichever is greater; cumulonimbus;
  13. if the sky is obscured, vertical visibility when available;
  14. air temperature;
  15. dew point temperature;
  16. altimeter setting(s);
  17. any available information on significant meteorological phenomena in the approach and climb-out areas including wind shear, and information on recent weather of operational significance;
  18. trend forecast, when available; and specific ATIS instructions.