Aerodrome and Approach Control

We are thrilled to announce that Mr. Anuar Andrade da Vargem has obtained his Aerodrome and Approach Control diploma. This significant achievement

AB-Initio Tower/Approach Course

Following the successful completion of his theoretical training online, our colleague, Anuar Andrade da Vargem, proceeded to TTCAA-CATC in Trinidad & Tobago

The signing of the Collective Labor Agreement

On December 15, 2023, ANSA and FTA formalized a two-year Collective Labor Agreement (CLA), effective from January 1, 2023. We extend our

Terrain and obstacle survey 2023

In compliance with ICAO, ANSA in collaboration with AAA plans to actualize Aruba’s aerodrome, terrain and obstacle data. The scope of work

TopSky ATC hardware renewal and TopSky ATC software installation project

The project Renewal TopSky ATC hardware and new TopSky ATC Software installation was successfully implemented in the second week of June 2023.

Instrument Landing System/Distance Measuring Equipment (ILS/DME)

ILS/DME Upgrade Project The ILS/DME upgrade project was successfully carried out in May 2023. The project involved several key tasks: A new

40th Anniversary of Mrs. Theresa Arends-Tromp, Joraine Romero-Granadillo, and Mr. Johannes van Norden.

On behalf of ANSA, we are thrilled to extend our warmest congratulations and heartfelt best wishes as we celebrate an incredible milestone

AFAS Digital Logbook celebration

As of February 17, 2023, ANSA introduced the AFAS Digital Logbook in ATC and AIA units. Personnel of both units received training

Cable Management Project

In 2022 ANSA started the Cable Management project. The goal of this project was to organize and tidy up all data and

Corporate Governance manual pilot 2022

On July 5, 2022, ANSA joined the pilot project Corporate Governance Manual (CGM) organized by the government of Aruba. The government of